Featured Article
The Art of Spitting and
Dancing the Jig
by Lynn Seely
Okay. I have to admit it: I was
not a good spitter. I just
didn't know how. I had tried to
learn how to do this right, but
I just never managed. Until this
Now my husband, he's a good
spitter. He can target a spot 10
feet away and by gosh he hits
it. Every time. Alas, not I. Not
before today. Nope, not even
after watching a television
episode where the art of
spitting was taught in great
detail. You know the one I mean,
in "Little House on the
Prairie," where Mr. Edwards
teaches Half-Pint (Laura
Ingalls) how to spit, much to
the disapproval of her TV
mother. I had paid careful
attention as I watched that show
and thought that the next time
(I don't know how to say this
delicately) the need to spit
came upon me, I would give their
method a try. It didn't work.
You can finish reading the
story on the main page of the
Friday evening marked
the opening of the
twenty ninth Olympics
and what an impressive
show it was! Over 15,000
performers for a
competition that will
have almost
11,000 athletes. I hope
you spend some time in
the next couple of weeks
watching the Olympics.
The goodwill of the
games is just
I have put a slide show
on our website that
highlights the opening
In much the same way the
opening of our cross
country program this
week was also very
impressive. The
excitement of the kids
getting together for the
first time for yet
another season is
inspiring. We will have
a great season and I
want to welcome everyone
to the start of the
cross country season.
Parents, we need
photographers, if you
have a digital camera
please bring it to
practice, meets, and all
events to capture
pictures, we will use
them to post on our
website and also in the
memory DVD given out at
the end of the season at
the team's award
Please be sure to click
on the green box in the
center of our website
for the slide show.
Guest Speaker to
visit Saturday
Saturday's workout will
be focused on running
Kirk Nelson from
Boulder, CO will be
coming to speak and help
with that. He'll be
coming in Thursday and
planning to race at COC
Thursday night. I
really want to emphasize
to all athletes to make
it to Saturday's
practice. I've also put
a link below to a great
youtube video that a
couple guys made on
running form. Take
a look at it.
We'll also this week be
adding more strength
specific workout
following Tuesday
night's workout.
Starting week three
we'll be in a pretty
good groove and will be
doing strength following
the running workout both
Tuesday and Saturday.
I'll see you guys
tomorrow night.
Looking forward to week
Jeremy Stepan
Schedule This Week
This weeks practices
will be held at:
Monday -
Heritage Park 6:00 -
7:00 pm
- Central Park 6:00 -
7:00 pm
- Heritage Park 6:00 -
7:00 pm.
Saturday -
Central Park 8:00 -9:30
am. (Special Guest
Speaker Kirk Nelson)
This week we will start
selling Stormwear items,
if your interested in
purchacing a
club tee-shirt or other
items, please
download the purchase
form and attach a
check for the item and
bring to practice. You
can drop off with
either Elaine or Alan
Fitness Club
It all starts with a
single step, and last
week we started. The
next 5 weeks we will
continue to work our
plan. Set goals
and evaluate where we
One parent working out
with the kids said on
Saturday "I should be
paying for this" he was
comparing the workout
with the kids as just as
benefiting to him
as programs given in
gyms, and he is right,
other places such as
gyms charge for the
services of working
The benefits of our
program is not only is
he going to get a great
work out, but he did it
with his kids!
If your interested in
joining us, please show
up at our practices,
you'll be glad you did.
Still Accepting
We are still accepting
athletes in our 2008
cross country program,
if you know of anyone
who would like to join,
please tell them to come
to practice.
www.runstorm.org for
more information or call
Alan Bingham at (661)
Jelly Beans / Jolly
We ask that each family
please bring 2 bags of
Jelly Beans or Jolly
Ranchers to practice
this week. At the end of
practice each day we
like to give the kids a
small reward.

Alan Bingham
Santa Clarita Track Club