Santa Clarita Track Club
Newsletter for September 14, 2009
In this Issue
Uniforms - Thursday
Photographers Needed
Summer Slimdown
Fun Items for XC Meets
Quick Links...
I was really proud of all the hard work everyone put in building up to the pre-season meet this past weekend, everyone looked great. I saw a lot of great performances of all of our athletes.
Parents, we need your digital pictures for our memory DVD, so if you have any pictures that you can turn into Alan, please ask for either a flash drive or blank CD.
Also our Lap-a-thon is Tuesday this week, this is our main fund raising event, we will need a lot of help so please be sure to come out on the track at Saugus High School. Please make sure you collect funds and turn them in by the dead line. 
There are more detail below on these topics.
Lap-a-thon Sept 15, 2009
Our lap-a-thon is scheduled for September 15, at Saugus High School on the Track, This is our primary fund raiser event, This fund raiser helps us keep our price low, allows us to offer scholarships, and assist our athletes in national competition.
We ask every family to seek pledges either by flat rate or a per lap donation. The athletes run 1 hour, later they return to their donors and collect their pledges to turn in by the dead line.  
We will award a grand prize of Disneyland park hopper tickets to the athlete who raises the most funds. Every athlete who raises $40.00 will also win a prize.   
The deadline to be eligible for the grand prize is October 6th. Athletes who raise $40.00 or more will still be eligible to win a lap-a-thon prize even if they turn in the funds after October 6th.
Song Requests: We are taking requests. If you have a song you want to hear during the lap-a-thon, please send me an email so I can make sure I have it, * We may not be able to get to all songs requested.

Click here to download the Lap-a-thon pledge form
Practice Schedule September 14 - September 19
   September 14th at 6:00pm - Heritage Park(Corner of McBean and Newhall Ranch Road-Park in Lot off McBean and 
        Fairview Drive, we meet by the playground)
Tuesday:  September 15th at 5:30pm - SAUGUS HS TRACK - LAP-A-THON  
Thursday: September 17th at College of the Canyons at 6:00pm, park near the stadium and then walk up the road near the baseball diamonds
Saturday: September 19th at 8:00am  - XC Meet Oak Canyon Park
Please be sure to come to practice on Thursday to pick up your child's uniform. All athletes must wear the club uniform to the meet.  
Photographers needed
We need your digital pictures for our memory DVD, please be sure to take a lot of pictures of the kids at the meets and practice, and turn them in to Alan. I have thumb drives or blank CD's if you need.
We can use all types of pictures and video's, so if you have a digital video camera please be sure to turn in those files as well.
The Signal's Summer Slimdown Contest
I entered and was selected to compete in the Summer Slimdown Contest, I will need your help, as the summer progresses there will be weigh in, and a voting period, I will need you to create an account at in the contest and to vote for me. Click here for a link to the contest. You will need to create an account on their website in order to vote, please do that today, and track my progress. I will also be posting a blog in the community section of the Signal, Please look for them and reply. 
UpdatePlease vote every day, I will need every vote! so keep them coming.  
Some fun items for cross country meets.
Check the Storm Store located at the bottom of the main website page for more items
I've ordered mine make sure you get yours!
Jerome Russell B-wild Color Spray Panther Purple (2854)
by Jerome Russel
Health and Beauty
Our Price: $5.95
Buy Now
Purple Pom Head Wig
by Amscan
List Price: $3.99
Our Price: $2.99
Buy Now
Purple Cowbell
by Beistle Company
Our Price: $2.99
Buy Now

Alan Bingham
Santa Clarita Track Club