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Storm team,
Great job everyone this week
in practice! All of you are
making huge improvements and
your efforts are inspiring
to me. Have your kids think
back to the first practice
and realize how far they've
come. Amazing!
Onto the week at hand. The
first race week. O'Melveny
is a great course you will
all enjoy. Some hills, but
nothing too crazy. We'll
give you more details this
week at practice, but the
key is to show up early
enough for the walkthroughs
which are typically 8am.
Give yourself extra time for
this race because you have a
little bit of a hike up to
the park from the parking.
I referenced a quote from
Pre at Thursdays practice
and here it is for you:
"I'm going to work so that
it's a pure guts race at the
end, and if it is, I am the
only one who can win it."
Well, that may have been a
little on the arrogant side,
but confidence is a great
card to hold during a race.
If you train like you did
tonight you can have
confidence in your ability
to perform in the race.
Never let your body tell
your mind YOU CAN'T.
You are all amazing, in your
abilities and unique
personalities. Keep up the
hard work and be prepared to
amaze yourself!
See you at practice.
Coach Jeremy |
Cross Country
Monday September 5 -
Heritage Park Near
Picnic Tables
September 6 - Central
Park Near Basketball
Thursday September 8 -
College of the Canyons
Near Baseball diamonds
Monday 8:00 a.m.
(Labor day)
Tuesday &
Thursday Practices @
6:00 p.m.
Lap-a-thon Fund
Click Here to download
the Lap-a-thon form
Our Lap-a-thon Fund
Raiser will be held next
Monday September 12 at
Saugus High School. We
have setup a website
that for this,
click here to
register for the
Lap-a-thon. Or you can
use the Lap-a-thon form
All athletes need to
participate in this
event. Be sure to click
the "Participant
Registration" link to
register for the event,
There are several
options once that page
loads up. You may choose
to pay $40.00 on the
spot, or register to
raise the $40.00 in
order to get the
lap-a-thon tee shirts,
the goal that are set in
the system are simply
suggestions that you try
and raise that amount
for the club.
The kids will run laps
at Saugus High School
for 1 hours, they will
use the website to set
their fund raising goals
and contact potential
sponsors (grandparents,
aunts uncles, family
friends and neighbors.)
They can also create
their own fund raising
page to drive people.
This is a new system and
we'd like your feedback
on ease of use.
All athletes who raise
$40.00 by the deadline
will get a special
2011 Lap-a-thon
Tee-Shirt. And the
athlete who raises the
most funds turned in by
the deadline will get a
grand prize. So far we
have been giving 4 Park
Hopper Tickets to
Adventure Theme Parks.
The gate price is
$105.00 for adults and
$99.00 for children
under age 3-9.
First Meet O'Melveny
Directions to O'Melveny
Park: From 14 South, or
5 South exit at Balboa
Blvd, turn right on San
Fernando Rd (Exits from
14 and 5 exit onto San
Fernando Rd), turn right
onto Balboa Rd, turn
right onto Balboa Blvd,
turn right at Sesnon
Blvd, take Sesnon to
O'Melveny Park (on
right). The Thomas Guide
Page 481 B4
Uniforms Orders In
Uniforms Orders for new
athletes will be
passed out on Tuesday at
Central Park during
practice. If you have
not ordered a uniform
the cost is $10.00 per
pair of shorts and
$20.00 for the top.
"One Hurdle at a
Time" Bracelets
Once you wear the Santa
Clarita Storm uniform,
you are part of one big
family. The support of
this family extends far
beyond a cross country
course or the track and
into everyday life.
When we received word
that one of our family
members, Justin Baltau,
was in need the response
was overwhelming. As he
continues to take life
"One Hurdle At A Time"
now is your opportunity
to show Justin that you
are there with him.
Created especially for
the Storm, in
limited quantities,
these purple "One Hurdle
At A Time" silicon
bracelets are your
chance to not only help
the Baltau family offset
medical expenses but to
show your support for
the Storm family.
Available for a minimum
donation of $2, these
can be a daily reminder
to us all of how
perseverance can
overcome any hurdle
we might face and cross
the finish line
Please See Alan or
Elaine at practice if
you want yours

Have a great summer,

Alan Bingham
Santa Clarita Track Club |