We have practice on
Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday
this week, the times for
the weekday practices
are 6:00 - 7:15 pm, and
Saturday mornings will
be 8:00- 9:30 am.
We are still accepting
sign ups so if you have
not yet signed up,
please bring your
paperwork with you to
practice and turn it in,
See Alan.
Jelly Beans and Jolly
Ranchers Coordinator
needed. We need someone
to be responsible to
collect the candy and
take I home, to make
sure they bring it to
every practice. If you
know your not going to
be at a practice to make
sure the candy is at
practice and someone
else is there to hand it
out. This job is very
fun and the kids love
it. (Parents will assist
with the passing out of
the candy after