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Mardi Gras Madness
February 22,2014
We are now accepting signups
for the 2014 Mardi Gras
Madness 5K, please visit the
event website at
Please help support our
Students off and
Running Program.
Be sure to JOIN A TEAM
and look for STORM
Dear Storm Family,
What a great first
practice on Saturday,
The team looks
At Night Practices
please be sure that the
kids have a sweat shirt
& pants or warm ups to
wear home, it can be
Water, please be sure
that your child comes to
practice with a water
bottle. Please be sure
to write his/her name on
the bottle.
RAIN POLICY posted below
in the practice
schedule, mostly if its
raining practice will be
canceled. light
drizzling and we may
start practice. (Please
don't call, there is no
way of telling until we
get to the track, and
Alan will be working
still first hour).
Sign-Ups Closed,
- Some
paperwork is
incomplete, we
must have
everything to
certify our
roster, athletes
who remain
incomplete when
we certify our
roster will be
dropped from the
This Weeks Practice
Urgent Text Alert
Practice Schedule
- This Week
This week the
evening practices
will be at 6:00 -
7:30 pm at Saugus
High School on
Tuesday, Wednesday,
and Thursday. Please
arrive by 7:30 pm to
pick up your kids.
Distance Kids will meet
over at Central Park
near Soccer Field
Restrooms - All Distance
Kids must have
preapproval before
training with the
distance program.
Please see Coach Elaine
Bingham if they would
like to test for the
Distance program.
Saturday's Practice is
at Valencia High School
at 8:00 am. |
We have a short list
of problems that
need to be corrected
before we can
certify our roster.
We will have a
roster the
practices, please
check the roster for
Jelly Beans &
Jolly Ranchers

Parents we ask that
you bring 2 bags of
jelly beans or Jolly
At the end of each
practice we give the
kids a few jelly
beans as a treat.
For the kids with
braces, we give them
a Jolly Rancher. The
kids must be heading
out the gate in
order to get them.
Urgent Text Alert
you would like to
join our Urgent
Alert Text System,
on your cell phone
text the word "STORMTF"
to 41411 and you
should be greeted
with a welcome
message, we use this
system rarely for
very important
urgent alerts, for
example, We cancel
practice early due
to unforeseen
It's been brought to
my attention that if
your using T-Mobile,
you may have to
contact them to have
Text Message
Blocking shut off
while you enroll. I
believe once your
enrolled you can
turn it back on.
Click here for more
Please be sure to
check with your cell
phone provider if
you are having
trouble connecting
to our urgent alert
text system.
We will try to help
you, but in most
cases if you get an
error trying to
connect, I suggest
you contact your
customer service and
see if there is some
type of blocking on
your phone
preventing signing
up for these types
of text systems,
I've been told that
some games use text
systems to bill your
phone, our system
will not bill your
phone, we are paying
for it.
Practice Schedule
(Subject to change)
Feb 18: 6:00 -
7:30 pm Saugus HS on
the Track
Feb 19: 6:00 -
7:30 pm Saugus HS on
the Track
Only Central Park
Feb 20: 6:00 - 7:30
pm Saugus HS on the
Only Central Park
Feb 22:
8:00 - 10:00
am Valencia HS on
the Track
Feb 24: 6:00 - 7:30
pm Saugus HS on the
Feb 25: 6:00 -
7:30 pm Saugus HS on
the Track
Feb 27: 6:00 - 7:30
pm Saugus HS on the
Coaches Still
We still have some
coaching needs and
positions that need
to be filled.
Please contact
Elaine Bingham
if you can help
Meet the Coaches
for 2014 Season
Please meet the
Storm Coaches for
the 2014 season,
Click Here to view
their bios. We
are very honored to
have these great
people volunteering
for us. We will be
updating this list
as we finish
gathering the
information on all
of our coaches.
Storm Wear
Click Here to
download the
Stormwear order form,
you can fill this
out an turn it in at
practice. Gin will
be at the practices
on March 8, 15, 22
for pick up of
Stormwear. Please
turn in form to
Paperwork box and
Orders maybe filled
Alan Bingham
Santa Clarita Track