Practice This Week will be:
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. 6:00 pm - 7:45 pm
"Your toughness is made up of equal parts
persistence and experience.
You don't so much outrun your opponents as
outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest
opponent of all is the one inside your head."
~ Joe Henderson
Hi, we had a great meet on Saturday with
the Chatsworth Chiefs. The meet was over
by 1:45 which was great! It's nice to
have an early get home type meet.
This week will be hosting our first home
meet. We're going to need a lot of help.
We'll need setup people to arrive early
on Saturday (between 6:30 & 7 am) to
help get stuff moved from parking lot &
storage to the finish line, setup
staging area, dig and turn over sand in
the long jump pits. Post signs showing
the direction to the rest rooms, which
are across from the Gym, visitors don't
always know that. Terisa is going to
need a lot of volunteers to sign up, we
need everyone's help.
FYI: Last
Friday a man impersonating a LA Sheriff
deputy tried to abduct a Saugus High
Remind your
children not to accept ride's from
strangers, you can read more about the
incident by
clicking here.
Alan Bingham
Santa Clarita Track Club President
Here's this weeks reminders to help you
STORM into a great meet!
Track Meet This Saturday
Our track meet is at home,
Valencia HS, this Saturday,
April 21st, we will need everyone's
help! Set-up will be a big part.
Parents; volunteers are needed
to arrive at 07:00 am to help
see Terisa at practice and ask how
you can assist us. She will have a
volunteer assignment sheet needing
your input! We have 7 pop-up tents
that need to be setup, long jump
sand pits needing to be turned and
raked smoothly, we need to setup
timing tents, staging tents, shade
tents up in the stands for our
athletes. Hurdles need to be setup,
you get the picture, there's a lot
of work. We will need a crew to stay
until the end to help take
everything down and get it moved
across the street back into storage.
Your volunteer contribution in a
meet is a great example to your
athlete of what a team effort can
For more information about at track
Click here
Event Results at track meets
We try to have accurate results, however it
has been noticed that some athletes at some
of the meets have been given incorrect
results. Please review your child's results
and make sure that they are correct, if we
have an incorrect result please let us know,
we can fix it. (example, an athlete has ran
an event, and is not listed in the results)
we need to know this ASAP so we can get it
corrected. Alan is still working on
the first 2 meets. We have had several
errors to correct. So please help us out by
looking at the results and
reporting any mistakes that you find. In
most cases with 2500 athletes in the
database it's just a typo and someone else
has been credited with your child's
result. We do have in most instances the
data to find out exactly who
should be listed. But your
review guarantees our accuracy and success.
Note that at our meet we will be posting
event results on the electric panel
across from the finish line. Your
reviews are very helpful because we are
setup and can fix problems on the fly.
Supervision of children at meets
Parents please remember your responsibility
in the supervision of your children at track
meets is primary.
Remind your athletes about good
sportsmanship, respect for the facility, to
listen for their event staging and to know
where their coach can be found. But remember
it is not the coaches responsibility
to baby-sit your child. Their job is to
advise, encourage, stage and coach your
Upon arrival point out bathroom facilities
and discuss rules of use. Encourage a buddy
system with another athlete in their event
or age group. Establish a home base near
team members where shade, drinks, food and
books or games are available until their
event. Be accessible to your athlete.
Parents with small children are not expected
to volunteer in ways that leave
their preschoolers unattended. |
Scholastic Awards
In an effort to
emphasize the importance of maintaining
scholastic ability in conjunction with
athletic ability, The Santa Clarita Track
Club in cooperation with local school
districts, awards a Scholastic Achievement
plaque to all athletes that maintain a "B+"
(3.3) grade point average or better during
the season. The plaque is engraved with the
students name, year and symbol of the sport
in which he/she is participating. A special
President's Award is presented to athletes
that maintain straight "A's" (4.0)
Click here to
download the scholastic form for your
Due date to turn in your scholastic
awards forms is Thursday, April 19.
Please give
them To Liz Miller.
this program is only for athletes of
local school districts.
A SCTC Storm tradition
is set for Monday night, April 23rd!
We are excited about each and every
athlete participating. During the
practice in a few weeks the athletes
will run laps for 1 hour at the track,
this is a very fun event for the kids
and an important fundraiser for our
team. Money from this event keeps our
registration fee low and helps us
provide important track meet and
training equipment for our athletes.
Typically this is
a music-motivated event; singing along,
running to the tempo! Oh WAIT! YOU'RE
This is a fundraiser not a race ~ run or
walk/dance, create an hour-long relay
team! Challenge yourself! Just recruit
your donations accordingly!
The more per
athlete sponsors you get the more
donations! There are 2 ways for
sponsors to support our athletes,
one is a per lap donation such as
$2.00 per lap for you distance
runners; the other is simply a flat
donation of any amount, for example
Our team will acknowledge who runs the
most laps, what family raises the most
money and all participants
in this event. Prizes are still being
solicited, but movie or Disneyland
tickets are anticipated for the top 3
athletes who raise the most funds for
the club.
If for some reason
you are unable to participate the night
of the event, families are encouraged to
OPT OUT by giving a tax-deductible
donation of $35 payable to the
SCTC. This is our only team
fundraiser and requires our team
family's support. Your effort will be
recognized and appreciated. Participants
(athletes collecting donations from
their sponsors for $40 or more) in past
years have received a Storm Lap-a-thon
tee shirt or
runner's water bottle.
turning in money, we ask that only
payable to SCTC, be
written for the entire amount the
athlete has raised. (Sponsor
check donations written directly to the
club by non-members may not be
credited to your child. )
You can
download a pledge form here,
the due date to turn in the funds is
May 3rd. Flat donations can be
turned in immediately. Prizes will
be awarded based on the most funds
raised and
turned in by May 3rd 7:45pm. Funds
will still be accepted after that
date but won't count towards the
grand prizes.
Team Pictures
Team pictures will be taken by Phil from the
Falcons on Wednesday, April 25th. Each
athlete will get an individual picture
package in addition to a whole team
picture. |
Board Elections
Greetings Storm members!
We hope you all are having a great season so
far. However, time flies so we must always
look to the coming season. Every year
according to our by-laws half of the
positions on our board of directors expire
and we must hold elections to fill those
positions. We are currently putting together
a nominating committee to find candidates to
hold office on our board of directors, these
are 2 year positions. If you are interested
in serving on our board of directors, please
see Alan Bingham.
Nominations for the Board of
Directors of the Santa Clarita Track
Club are now open. The board
positions that are up for election in
odd years are:
The President of this Club shall
Preside over all meetings of
the Board of Directors and the General
Appoint and discharge all
committees, with the Board of Director's
approval, and have power to call special
meetings of its committees when, in the
Presidents judgment, they are necessary.
Provide direct supervision of
any and all employees of the Club.
Perform such duties as are
usually delegated to presidents.
Be an ex-official member of
all committees within the Club.
The Secretary of this Club shall:
Keep minutes of all regular
and special Club meetings; be prepared
to refer to the minutes of pervious
meetings; prepare summary of unfinished
Maintain sign-in attendance
record of all Board of Director and
General Membership meetings; maintain
list of member-in-good-standing eligible
to vote.
Supply copies of Club
minutes, By-Laws and other documents as
Be responsible for notifying
Club Board of Directors members of
meetings as directed.
Notify officers of their
election and committee chairperson of
their appointment.
Perform other duties as
directed by the Board of Directors.
Maintain record of all active
members of the Club.
MANAGER - The Equipment Manager of
this Club shall:
Maintain records of quantity,
location, and condition of Club possessions.
Coordinate central storage
and inventory of sport uniforms and
equipment, with the assistance of
General Manager; determine all uniform
and equipment requirements, submitting
same to the Board of Directors for
approval prior to each sport season.
Perform other duties as
appointed by the Board of Directors.
- A minimum of one (1) member -at-large will
be elected, who shall represent the Club as
directed by the President. Elected
members-at-large may not constitute a
majority of the Board of Directors. Other
members-at-large may be appointed to the
Board of Directors by the Board of
Directors. Elected member-at-large shall
have full voting rights of the Board of
Directors. Appointed members-at-large shall
have no voting rights of the Board of
Are you tougher than the average Joe?
"Your toughness is made up of equal parts
persistence and experience. You don't so
much outrun your opponents as outlast and
outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of
all is the one inside your
head." - Joe
May this week be your personal best!
Heidi I Gierard - Public Relations
Santa Clarita Track Club