Greetings Storm Parents,
The mock meet went well, I looked around and those kids were busy, busy, busy!!!
This was a very good exercise to see a track meet in progress, especially for those who are new to this sport. We too were able to see if we had everything ready for our season's meets. There are a few areas were we do not have enough volunteers.
1) Staging Crew
2) Relay escorts (walk athletes to their zones)
3) Announcer
If you believe you can help please let Liz know at the Tag Table.
Please try to arrive at 5:30 PM the lap-a-thon starts promptly at 6:00 PM. Athletes will run for 1 hour. This is not a race; therefore dynamic warm up will be skipped.
Coaches Corner
on the practice meet, it was a lot of fun and the athletes did great. Thanks to
all the Parents that helped.
I am very excited about the field events starting. We are very fortunate to have some great returning, as well as new coaches.
All athletes are encouraged to try the field events in the upcoming weeks. Take some time and welcome our long jump, high jump, and shot put coaches.
We can always use extra help in these events.
Here is a list of all our coaches, they are the best!
Kelly Marsh, Mark Hayes, Rob Watson, Eric Schmidt, Danielle Drake, Mark Yost, Michael Bambrick, Danica Lynch, Mary Boyd, Keith Carroll, Ladon Wilder, Dena Adante, Joe Hernanandez, Dan Miller, Michael Moore, Dan Nee, Bob Stauffer, Cory Lindner, Richard Watson, Derik Lindsey, Dave Summer, Jeremy Stepan, Kwan Beilin, Andy Beilin, Mary Kautiainen, Alan Bingham.
Have fun this week,
Coach Bingham
This Week's Practice
Monday 3/17
Lap-a-thon 5:30 - 7:45 PM
Wednesday 3/19
6:00 - 7:45 PM
Thursday 3/20
6:00 - 7:45 PM
Saturday 3/22
8:00 - 10:00 AM
Scholastic Award
In an effort to emphasize the importance of maintaining scholastic ability in conjunction with athletic ability, The Santa Clarita Track Club in cooperation with local school districts, awards a Scholastic Achievement plaque to all athletes that maintain a "B+" (3.5) grade point average or better during the season. The plaque is engraved with the students name, year and symbol of the sport in which he/she is participating. A special President's Award is presented to athletes that maintain straight "A's" (4.0) grade point average.
Click here to download the scholastic form for your child. Currently this program is only for athletes of local school districts.
If your child is missing registration paperwork please get it to Liz as soon as possible, please let her know if you are having a problem getting something, such as a birth certificate, a school registration record can be used to substitute for a birth certificate or a passport. If your child missed signing the player’s contract or the code of conduct please make sure they stop by the 'Tag Table' to sign the forms.
newsletters are sent out via our Constant Contact system, you sign up by
visiting our website and putting your email address in the box near the upper
right hand corner of every page. We do not add you to our list nor will we
remove you, however there is an unsubscribe link in each email letter you get
from us. You can also log back into the system and edit your preference of which
lists your interested in getting from us. We offer 3 newsletters, 1 for track
and field, 1 for Cross Country, and 1 for our Marathon program SOAR.
Please visit our website at
Past News letters are stored on our website if you have missed one on the following page:
Alan Bingham
Santa Clarita Track Club