Track 2010
Develop your speed
Build your Endurance
Improve your Technique
Running Events: 100m,
200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m,
3000m, 4x100m, 4x400m, 80m
Hurdles, 100m Hurdles
Field Events:
Long Jump, Shot Put,
High Jump
Track is the one sport
that is good training for
all sports, whether
its Football, Basketball,
Soccer, or Baseball, Track &
Field will improve your
speed, endurance and
Practice will begin on
March 1st, 2010
Wow, the mock meet
was fantastic and
the kids did great.
I want to thank
everyone who helped
out during the meet
and especially with
the setup and
teardown, it takes a
little bit more to
come out early and
get everything setup
and then to stay a
bit late to make
sure it all gets
put up also. Thank
you. Results are
still being
complied, but will
be published to the
website on the track
page, the data may
change, to correct
errors that I may
have caused.
This week, Valencia
High has open house
on Thursday, so we
will have practice
on Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday, and
not on Thursday.
Saturday will be
our first meet at
Valencia High
School, we will set
up at 7:00 AM, The
meet will start at
8:45 AM We expect
the meet to end
between 2:00 and
3:00 PM. We will
have another email
going out with more
information specific
to the meet.
See you at practice
Alan Bingham
This Weeks Track &
Field Practice
This week our
practices will be held
on Monday, Tuesday, &
Wednesday 6:00 - 7:45pm.
All Athletes will need
to bring with them a
bottle of water with
their name on it. A
light jacket with their
name clearly marked
inside next to the
collar label. and a good
pair of running shoes.
We ask
that athletes attend at
least 2 practices per week.
it's raining practice is
canceled. However we will
practice in a light
sprinkle. This makes it
tricky, many times it is not
raining at the Track when
it's raining at home. Do not
drop your athlete off if
there is a chance of a
canceled practice, please
stick around. |
Lap-A-Thon Fundraiser
The due date to turn
in the funds is Tax day
April 15, 2010. Flat
donations can be turned in
Prizes will be awarded based
on the most funds raised and
turned in by April 15, 2010.
Funds will still be accepted
after that date but won't
count towards the grand
prizes, but will go towards
the Storm T-shirt.
you have any questions
about this fund raiser
please talk to Michele
or Alan.
Jelly Beans
We are short on Jelly
Beans, We have plenty of
Jolly Ranchers, We ask
the if you have not
picked up any candy,
that you please bring
2 10 oz bags of jelly
beans per family.
Uniforms &
Uniforms and
Merchandise are in
and will be handed
out on Monday night.
If your athlete was
on the wait list or
has recently been
added, you might
have to pick up your
uniform Friday or
Saturday at the
Fitness Club
The fitness club
will meet
on Monday &
Wednesday 6:00
PM - 7:30 PM.
The cost of the
program is $20.00
fee per month. To
Register please
visit the Club pages
of our website.
Lost & Found
Item left at the end of
practice are collected
and stored in our
storage bin till the
next practice, they are
then placed on the fence
next to the gate to
enter the track. Please
check to see if any
items you are missing
are there. We have a
lot of Storm Sweat
shirts. Please put your
name on your items.
Loaner Spikes
Each year we have
athletes who have out
grown their previous
year's spikes we ask
that you donate those
spikes to us, and we in
turn check them out your
teammates to borrow for
the season. If your
child has out grown last
years spikes and they
are still laying around
please bring them
Wednesday and see Mr
He will also be issuing
spikes to athletes who
want to try them for the
season. If the size is
Gremlin Parents
A reminder that all
gremlin parents need to
stay with their children
during all practices
that their children
attend and that parents
need to keep additional
children and/or
siblings with them in
the stands or near by if
they are on the field
helping with the group
but they cannot be sent
with another gremlin
athlete alone to watch
over them during
practice w/o parental
All parents need to stay
at the track meets that
their children are
competing at.

Alan Bingham
Santa Clarita Track Club