Dear Alan,
I hope everyone enjoyed
the picnic, and those
who couldn't make it we
missed you, it was a
great way to end the
I ended up taking a few
days off from Track &
Field, but now it's back
to the last final
remaining things to
handle, have a great
summer we'll see you
next year.
Alan Bingham
Trophies, Pictures,
Ribbons & Plaque Pick Up
Communication boxes
are on my porch and
there are many items
in them, the
following people
have something to
pick up in the
communication box.
Savannah M Aaver,
Ethan L Acosta,
Sabrina L Acosta,
Aidan C Adante,
Jason M Aguirre,
Justin T Aguirre,
Kelsey Alter, Anyah
M Anderson, Jade Ane,
James A Arambula,
Darryn J Arnold,
Sterling M Beaumon,
Blake D Beeler,
Joshua M Benedict,
Tanner Berney, Briet
Bjornsson, Douglas
Bjornsson, Ellis R
Bosarge, Miles A
Bosarge, Alysa A
Branda, Daniel J
Branda, Kaleb Z
Branda, Nathan A
Branda, Jewell F
Brillantes, Keaton
Burghardt, Cassidy M
Bygum, Alondra
Calderon, Jimmy
Calderon, Bryce A
Covelli, Kyle
Covelli, Brandon A
Crockett, Brianna A
Crockett, Jack
Darbourne, Megan G
Darbourne, Brooke M
De La Cerda, Taylor
N De La Cerda,
Colton J Dolder,
Luke Doukakis, Ally
Ebner, Max H
Goldberg, John A
Haro, Analysse M
Hernandez, Noelani A
Hernandez, Calvin J
Hoffmann, Brandon N
Iles, Sele M
Joachim, Shania G
Joachim, Erica R
Johnson, Sean J
Keegan, Claire A
Kenny, Grace B
Kenny, Trevin P
Kozlowski, Viraj
Lakhotia, Daniel W
Lee, Kandyce C
Leger, Katherine
Lin, Aidan Lindgren,
Mia Lindgren,
Nicolas Lindgren,
Carlos A Lozano,
Alexander S Mehta,
Mikayla T Nicholls,
Skye E O'Connor,
Slade I O'Connor,
Erik W Ohl, Philip T
Palacio, Amber R
Pare, Kaidon R
Peterson, Karli L
Peterson, Kenedi M
Peterson, Xavier L
Provens, Napoleon L
Provens III, Connor
P Radding, William O
Radding, Gillian C
Rideaux, Cody L
Roelofson, Lauren A
Sehenuk, Savannah A
Sehenuk, Zalliah S
Simmons, Bailey A
Smith, Hunter H
Smith, Benjamin W
Spaulding IV, Andrew
N Spyrka, Ella L
Stepan, Gibson E
Stone, William W
Stone, Dylan R Tait,
Kayla R Tait, Ryan R
Tait, Patience
Thomas, Pej L
Thomas, Michael T
Trunzo, Andrew J
Villa, Ethan Wesley,
Brock T Williams,
Christian K
Williams, Chelsea M
Winston, Clayton A
Woods, Evan A Wosk,
Amanda T Yamamoto,
Brooke M Yamamoto,
Jordan K Yamamoto,
Nicholas K Yamamoto,
Darius M Zbojniewicz.
The following people
have a plaque to
pick up:
PR Award
Solomon Strader, &
Cesar Ponce
Award Plaque:
Castillo-Lozano &
Darryn Arnold
Award Plaque:
Kyle Ensing, Ashley
Rasplicka, Kylie
Rasplicka, Andrew
Spyrka, & Callista
Please try to pick
these up in the next
two weeks, or call
and make
arrangements with me
to hang on to them
for you. All items
will be taken back
to storage the July
Holiday weekend.
Thank You
On behalf of the board,
I want to thank all the
people who made the 2010
season our best season
ever! We had more
volunteers this year
working our meets,
everyone pouring their
hearts into this club to
assist in all of the
tasks that we have to
do. Coaching, meet
management, and
operations, concessions,
uniform distribution,
Storm Wear sales, taking
pictures, tag pulling.
We have some volunteers
that do not have
children on the team, we
have a lot of people who
give so much of
themselves, and it
really shows in the
quality of this program.
I am so very happy with
all your hard work, sure
I give a lot also, but I
could not do it alone,
there are many people
who help out, Elaine by
leading the coaching
staff, Michele, and
Bettie Jo who do so much
by ordering pictures,
tracking scholastic
achievement awards,
ordering all of the
trophies, and plaques
Lisa and Monica and
Loretta who give of
themselves for our board
meetings, and putting
labels on the ribbons.
We have others who you
never see, yet they come
to our meetings and help
us by serving this club
expressing their ideas
on fund raising, and
other operations.
Then there are the
parents who come each
week and help setup the
meets, (including away
meets) our club is by
far the best club (in my
opinion) I could go on
and on, there are so
many people who give so
much and it's not just
for their kids, but for
all the kids, they are
driven to give of
themselves. and they
become servants of this
club. There really are a
lot of you who have
given so much and I want
to thank you and your
spouses who have allowed
you to work as hard as
you have for the club,
your kids will reap the
rewards of your labors.
Thank you
Cross Country 2010
We are accepting
signups for our 2010
Cross Country
Program. You can
download the
paperwork by
clicking the
following links:
Sign Up Paperwork Please
follow the
instructions in the
Storm Cross
Valley Youth
Competition with
meets in Santa
Clarita Valley,
Simi Valley, San
Fernando Valley,
& Los
Angeles County. (Final
Schedule yet
For Boys and
Girls ages 5 -
16 in all
Athletes compete
on a course
ranging from 2 K
to 4 K depending
on age.
eligible for
Post Season,
with possibility
of competing for
the National
Junior Olympics.
Team Awards
Banquet at Santa
Clarita Sports
Memory book, or
video of season
given at the
Coaching Staff
Fun Fun Fun!!!
Our first day of
practice will be
Heritage Park
6:00 PM, near
picnic tables.

Alan Bingham
Santa Clarita Track Club