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Dear Alan,
Rain Policy
- In the event of rain
this week practice will
be canceled.
Mock Meet
results will be posted
to our website soon on
the Track & Field Page.
Picture Day
- Rescheduled to April
First Track Meet
- More info below
Make it a great week.
Alan Bingham
Practice Schedule
Please be sure that your
child brings a jacket &
bottle of water.
Practice this
week will be:
March 21, 6:00 - 7:45 at
Tuesday March
22, 6:00 - 7:45 at
Wednesday March
23, 6:00 - 7:45 at
Saturday March
26, 8:15 - Meet
at VHS Storm vs Pacers
If it is raining
practice is
canceled. However we
will practice in a
light sprinkle. This
makes it tricky,
many times it is not
raining at the track
when it's raining at
home. Do not drop
off your athlete if
there is a chance
for a canceled
practice, please
stick around
Please be sure to
text STORMTF to
41411 to be added to
our alert system, in
the event of a
canceled practice,
we will send a text
alert out telling
parents to pick up
their athlete.
First Meet
Our first track meet
will be this
weekend against the
Northridge Pacers.
Setup starts at 7:00
am, We need lots of
help with the setup
much more than
during the mock
meet, we meet in the
parking lot, some
will go to the
storage unit across
the street to pick
up equipment. We
will need a few
people to setup our
staging area in the
center of the field,
that requires
setting up benches
for the kids to sit
on during staging. a
few pop up tents. We
need parents to put
the hurdles out for
the start of the 80
meter Midget races.
Athletes this week
will be signing up
with their coaches
what events they
would like to do,
Depending on the age
of the athlete there
are limits in how
many events they can
do each week.
Gremlins are limited
to a maximum of 3
events, everyone
else is limited to 4
events maximum, but
1 event has to be a
relay for Bantam
through Youth,
Intermediates 4th
event can be an
individual event (ie
not limited to a
relay), If you have
any questions about
the number of
events please ask
your coach. The
conference has a
very strict policy
about over eventing,
the athlete will be
Disqualified in all
events of the day if
they compete in too
many events at a
Please visit the our
active giving website
and register to help get
your family from out of
town to help raise
click here to go to the
Lap-a-thon Website.
At the top of the page
please click the " Become
a Fundraiser" link
at the top of
the page and sign up
with active. You can
then create your own
fund raising page, you
can either pay us
directly with a check,
or have your donors use
the credit card payment
within the system. We
need to
raise $7000.00 this year
to off set our expenses.
Please sign up your
child as a fundraiser,
even if you turned in a
form with the donation
via check, I can log
into the back office and
show your donation as
part of the total and
want to make sure your
child gets the credit on
the website.
The grand prize this
year to the athlete who
raises the most funds
will be 4 Park hopper
tickets to
Pictures have been
to uncertainty in
the weather we have
moved the
picture day to April
Mock Meet
will be posted to our
website shortly.

Alan Bingham
Santa Clarita Track Club