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Paperwork -
Athletes who's
paperwork is incomplete
will be not be allowed
to practice this week
forward. Our insurance
requires that all
paperwork be compete.
Athletes who's paperwork
is still incomplete next
week will be dropped
from the team.
Next Monday is
our Lap-a-thon,
If for some reason you
are unable to
participate the night of
the event, families are
encouraged to OPT OUT by
giving a tax-deductible
donation of $40.00
payable to the SCTC.
This is our major team
fundraiser and requires
everybody's support.
Uniform Pick Up
Date to be announced.
If you have not yet paid
for you uniforms, make
sure you do so on
No parents
allowed on the track
once warm up is done.
Please walk around the
outside of the track,
the sidewalk goes all
the way around, and you
can get in much walking
without disrupting
Please be sure to
sign up for our
alert text message
system on your cell
phone, text STORMTF
to 41411.
See you at practice
Alan Bingham
Practice Schedule
Please be sure that your
child brings a jacket &
bottle of water.
Practice this
week will be:
March 7, 6:00 - 7:45 at
Valencia HS
March 8, 6:00 - 7:45 at
Valencia HS
Wednesday March
9, 6:00 - 7:45 at
Valencia HS
March 10 NO
Saturday March
12, 9:00 - 11:00 AM at
Valencia HS
Parents some athlete's
paperwork is incomplete
and certification is
next week, if your
child's name is
highlighted at the sign
in table then we have a
problem with your
paperwork and your child
will be required to sit
out practice. Please see
Michele or Alan.
There are 3 things we
need, the form, all
signatures and a proof
of age. in most cases we
are missing a signature,
so please stop by the
table so we can get it.
are excited about each
and every athlete
participating in the
lap-a-thon. On
Monday March 14 during
practice, athletes will
run laps on the track
for one hour. This is a
very fun event for the
kids and an important
fundraiser for our team.
Money from this event
keeps our registration
fee low and helps us
provide equipment for
our training and meets.
This is a
music-motivated event;
singing along, running
to the tempo! Oh WAIT!
RUNNER!? NOT important!
This is a fundraiser not
a race ~ run or
walk/dance, create an
hour-long relay team!
Challenge yourself! Just
recruit your donations
accordingly! The more
per athlete sponsors you
get the more donations!
There are 2 ways for
sponsors to support our
athletes, one is a per
lap donation such as
$5.00 per lap for you
distance runners; the
other is simply a flat
donation of any amount,
for example $20.00.
Our team will
acknowledge those who
raises the most funds
and all participants in
this event. A Grand
Prize will be awarded to
the top athlete who
raise the most funds for
the club.
If for some reason you
are unable to
participate the night of
the event, families are
encouraged to OPT OUT by
giving a tax-deductible
donation of $40.00
payable to the SCTC.
This is our major team
fundraiser and requires
everybody's support.
Your effort will be
recognized and
Participants (athletes
collecting donations
from their sponsors for
$40 or more)
will receive a Storm
Lap-a-thon tee shirt.
When turning in money,
we ask that only ONE
to SCTC, be written for
the entire amount the
athlete has raised.
(Checks from Sponsors
written directly to the
club by non-members may
not be credited to your
You can download the
Pledge forms by clicking
here or by visiting
our website, or asking
Michele at the
Info-Table. The due date
to turn in the funds is
April 15, 2010. Flat
donations can be turned
in immediately. Prizes
will be awarded based on
the most funds raised
and turned in by April
15, 2010. Funds will
still be accepted after
that date but won't
count towards the grand
prizes, will go towards
the Storm T-shirt.
If you have any
questions about this
fund raiser please
talk to Michele or
need pictures, Please
try to take pictures
during practice, random
shots of the kids are
great, I like to make
Animoto Slideshow
presentations of the
kids throughout the
season, to post to the
website. Please try to
put them either on a
disk, or flash drive and
see me during practice.
Jelly Beans & Jolly
hold for now your
Jelly Bean
donations, we have
enough to last for a
while, and will ask
for more later in
the season.
If you can assist
with jelly bean
distribution, please
see Michele.
Storm Spiritwear
Our final order for
Storm Spiritwear will be
placed on Thursday March
10, You can download the
order form by
clicking here and
turn it in to either
Bettie Jo, Michele or
Alan this week during
Running Shoes
is the last week
athletes will be allowed
to practice without
proper running
shoes. Please be sure to
have a good pair of
running shoes for your
children. We still have
some shoes for $25.00
that you may
purchase during practice
(Sizes limited).

Alan Bingham
Santa Clarita Track Club