XC is a great sport for everyone great
distance runner or just trying to
improve your conditioning for another
sport. No matter what level you start
at, with hard work and perseverance you
will be amazed at the progress you will
make during the season.
Remember, during the first few weeks as
your getting into shape you may
experience some muscle pain. Don't get
distressed, after about 2 weeks your
muscles will get use to the running and
it will get much easier.
With the heat of summer upon us don't
forget to stay hydrated. Drink water
throughout the day, bring water to
practice and have a sports drink to
replenish your electrolytes after
We'll see you Monday at Heritage Park
for our first practice.
"I was born to be a runner. I
simply love to run.
It's almost like the faster I go, the
easier it becomes."
-Mary Decker Slaney
David Summer