Santa Clarita Track Club
Newsletter for the week of October 6, 2008 
In This Issue
Practice Schedule
Scholastic Awards
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We had a great meet on Sunday and everyone looked great!
We have a lot of things happening this week.
Cross Country Championship Tee Shirt
The only way to get one of these shirts is to fill out the following Conference Championship Tee-Shirt Order Form paying for it to the club who will pick them up at the final meet, there will be no sales of the tee shirts at the meet, Please make your check out to the SCTC.
If you have taken pictures of the meets and would like to borrow a flash thumb drive see Alan or Elaine.
The Lap-a-thon has been ran and it was a fantastic event, the athletes I'm sure were surprised on how many laps they ran. All our hard work has paid off. 
Now is the important part of gathering in those funds, turning them in so they count towards the grand prize, and completing the fund raising. Please help your child to collect the funds from the people who have pledged to support them.
The dead line to be eligible for is Tuesday October 7th. 
Practice Schedule This Week
This weeks practices will be held at:
- Heritage Park 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Tuesday - Central Park 6:00 - 7:30 pm 
Thursday - Bridgeport Park 6:00 - 7:15pm.
Scholastic Awards
Don't forget to turn in your scholastic award forms to Alan Bingham no later than Friday, October 10th.  Athletes maintaining a 3.5 or better GPA are eligible for the Scholastic Award.  Athletes maintaining a 4.0 GPA will receive the Presidential Award.  Due to the personalization of each of these awards, we cannot accept any forms past the deadline so please make sure you get them in quickly!
Click Here to Download the Form.