Santa Clarita Track Club
Newsletter for October 26, 2009
In this Issue
Coaches Appreciation Dinner
Awards Banquet
TextMarks Alerts
Photographers Needed
Quick Links...
There is no meet this weekend, Have a happy Halloween
The next meet will be held on Saturday November 7th at Pierce College. All athletes are welcome to attend this meet, It is called an invitational meet, which means that outside teams will be able to attend (Like Mt SAC).  There will be metals awarded to the top 8 finishers in each age group and the top 3 team.

We had some great performances on Saturday for the Conference Championships.  Most of our athletes are peaking now as the season is coming to the end.  O'Melveny Park was a great venue for our parents and families to cheer on the runners as they competed in their races.  Many of our athletes won metals and achieved personal best

There were team plaques awarded to the Top 3 Team in each age groups.  Listed below are the Top Storm teams:
Gremlin Girls- 3rd Place
Gremlin Boys- 2nd Place
Bantam Girls- 2nd Place
Midget Boys-  2nd Place

We have less than 2 week of training left before our final Invitational of the season at Pierce College.  Don't loss focus now. Keep up the hard work.

Post Season:
Please check out the rankings on the Storm Website to determine if you are in the top 8(A Team) or top 9th-16th(B Team).  If you are we need to know if your athlete would like to participate on the Post Season A or B Teams that will compete in AAU National XC Meet in Orlando, Florida on December 5, 2009?   We will need to know on or before Sunday evening, November 8th by 6:00 p.m. following SCYTFC Invitational Meet at Pierce College on November 7th of your intention to go the AAU National XC Meet.  The Final Post Season Rankings will be posted by Saturday night November 7,2009.  Hoverer, if you do not plan to compete in AAU Meet, please let David Summer(661-644-0322) know (ASAP) and prior to the start of the Seeding Meeting.

Also,not every athlete in SCYTFC who are in the top rankings chooses to go to the AAU National Meet.  In those cases, SCYTFC will go to the next highest person(s) ranked until they fill the 8-person A Team.  So, SCYTFC could be digging into the 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th places, or higher to fill the A Team.
If parent have any post season related questions please see me as well.

Thanks for all your support,
David Summer
Practice Schedule October 26 - October 31
   October 26th at 6:00pm - Heritage Park
Tuesday:  October 27th at 6:00pm - Central Park
Thursday: October 29th at 6:00 pm - Bridgeport Park
Saturday:  October 31st -  Have a happy Halloween - no meet This weekend.  We may have a morning practice at Central Park-TBD by Thursday Oct 29th.
Coaches Appreciation Dinner
The club will be taking the coaching staff out to dinner for all their hard work. If you would like to contribute towards the coaches' gifts, Please turn it into David Summer or there will be a donation box at the team awards banquet.  Please show them how much you appreciate them and all their hard work. 
Awards Banquet 
Our awards banquet will be held on Thursday, Nov. 12th at 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at:
SCV Sports Complex,
20800 Centre Pointe Parkway, Santa Clarita. 
We have broken down family contributions  based upon last names rather than by age group.
Last names starting with:  
A-G - Desserts for 25  
H-M - Soda/Water 2 - 2 liter bottles per family** Clear liquids only (7-up, sprite, etc) NO FRUIT  PUNCH PLEASE, NOTHING WITH RED DYE! 
N-Z - Appetizers for 25
TextMarks Alert Notification
I know we had some confusion as to where practice was last Thursday night when we changed from Bridgeport Park to Heritage Park.  To avoid this I came across a text option where we can text to your phone last minute Alerts if you register at: or
Just Text from your mobile phone
To:41411 Send Message: STORMXC
This will register you for the Storm Cross Country Alert Message which is currently this weeks practice schedule and locations.  At any time you can opt out of the text messages by replying "LEAVE STORMXC".
Photographers needed
Please be sure to turn in your pictures this week for our memory DVD, see Alan. If you need we have thumb drives or blank CD's. Thanks!
New Animoto videos have been posted to the website, check them out!

Alan Bingham
Santa Clarita Track Club