Dear Alan,
Storm athletes, coaches and
One down and ... well there
are still a lot to go. What
a great first week! New
families, returning
families, and we still had a
handful out of town. Keep
inviting your friends to
practice to try it out. You
are continuing to prove why
this team is so incredible.
So we got our first taste of
the 100+ degree Valencia
heat, and I hope you loved
it. You know what they say,
if it doesn't kill you it'll
only make you stronger. I
heard several of the
athletes tell me by Saturday
they didn't have cramps
anymore which tells me you
guys are figuring out the
whole hydration issue.
Cramping is sometimes a
result of not drinking
enough, just as easy as
cramping because you've
drank too much. Parents,
help me with this and your
kids, there is a point of
saturation where you can
drink too much. The result
is sloshing of the water in
your stomach. Test some
different levels of intake
if you think about it this
week to come up with what
seems to be the best for
your kids.
Alright, well, let's get on
to running. For a lot of
you, this was your first
week of running like this.
I'm proud of you all for
being so strong. Keep
having fun and again, in a
couple weeks you'll feel
like a whole new athlete out
there. This week will bring
a lot of the same as last
week, conditioning. The
goal is for your muscles and
joints to get stronger so we
can continue increasing the
mileage and intensity of
workouts. We'll continue to
get stronger with core and
on that note, if you have
any favorite core exercises
please bring them to me.
Sometimes it's hard to have
exercises that work for all
of our ages so keep that in
We're planning two exciting
activities for the upcoming
Saturday practices. First
is the Castaic youth
triathlon this coming
Saturday August 13th. Again
this is a 100yard swim, 3
mile bike, and 1 mile run.
The cost is $20 and all
athletes receive a cool
medal. This will be a blast
for all the kids and I
encourage every one of you
to come out there. This
event supports Canyon's HS
Cross country. Parents, you
can and are encouraged to
get out there on the course
with your kids. Our second
activity will be Saturday
August 20th. I'd like to
start a beach day tradition
and have practice at
Carpenteria State Beach.
The details are as follows:
we'll meet at the life guard
station at the end of Linden
Ave, near the volleyball
courts. Exit 86, go left to
Carpenteria Ave, go right to
Linden, then left to the end
of the road. Parking: there
is free parking at the end
of Linden or side streets by
the houses, or you can pay
$8 to park in the state
beach parking [Go left on
Palm Ave from Carpenteria
Ave which is before Linden
follow signs to the
campground]. The plan will
be to start practice at
10:30 which gives you time
to sleep in a little. It
takes about an hour to get
there. By the time practice
is over, it should be prime
beach weather. Bring your
umbrella's, beach balls, and
boogie boards. And food for
your family.
I think that's it for now,
my apologies for the novel!
Glad to meet all the new
faces and I am very excited
for the season. It's going
to be awesome!!!
Here's a Pre quote to think
about: "Success isn't how
far you got, but the
distance you traveled from
where you started."
Thank you and happy running,
Coach Jeremy |