Our Lap-a-thon Fund
Raiser will be held on
September 12 at Saugus
High School. We have
setup a website that for
click here to
register for the
Lap-a-thon. All athletes
need to participate in
this event.
The kids will run laps
at Saugus High School
for 1 hours, they will
use the website to set
their fund raising goals
and contact potential
sponsors (grandparents,
aunts uncles, family
friends and neighbors.)
They can also create
their own fund raising
page to drive people.
This is a new system and
we'd like your feedback
on ease of use.
All athletes who raise
$40.00 by the deadline
will get a special
2011 Lap-a-thon
Tee-Shirt. And the
athlete who raises the
most funds turned in by
the deadline will get a
grand prize. So far we
have been giving 4 Park
Hopper Tickets to
Adventure Theme Parks.
The gate price is
$105.00 for adults and
$99.00 for children
under age 3-9.