April 4, 2005
1. We would like to congratulate all athletes on a job well done on Saturdays
we hope you had fun
2. Thanks to all parent volunteers who helped at the meet. It takes a team pr parents to make this work and you all did wonderful. We need assistance this week at the long jump, high jump, tag pulling and possible some assistance at staging. Please see Jill or Teresa to sign up to help. We can train parents in all these positions. Please volunteer and help.
3. Lapathon we cancelled due to rain and will be held on April 11. We hope every athlete will participate.
4. Uniforms are in and the Adult mediums are too small. Please see Jill or Teresa if you still need the appropriate sizes. I will have more sizes by Saturday.
5. Some merchandise orders have arrived. See Karen Baird to pick up merchandise.
6. Our meet on April 9th is a John Burroughs High School in Burbank. Allow at least 30 minutes to get there. Take I-5 Freeway south to Buena Vista Exit. Go right on Buena Vista. Turn left on Verdugo. Left on Keystone and park on side streets. Be there at 8:00 am to get tags.