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Santa Clarita Track Club Newsletter
Newsletter  March 26, 2007
In This Issue
Track Meet This Saturday
Scholastic Awards
Lost and Found
Photo Team
Track Usage
Uniforms are in!
Practice This Week will be: 
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. 6:00 pm - 7:45 pm  
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We had a great mock meet on Saturday and was able to get the kids times for their seed placement for next weeks Meet. We was able to learn a lot doing the mock meet, it gave the kids an idea of what a Track meet looks like, it gave our new parents an idea of what to expect, we were able to find problems that needed a little more attention, and it allowed us to get the kids seed time. all in all it was fun and useful at the same time! Thank you for your help, we could not have done it without you!
After the meet I met with conference officials and certified our roster so we are set to go!
Please check the notes below for more specific information on very important events coming up in the near future.
Alan Bingham
Track Meet This Saturday
This week's track meet will be at John Burroughs HS located at 1920 W Clark Ave, Burbank, CA 91506  Click here for a map and driving directions
For more information about at track meet Click here
Please arrive at 08:15 so you can do your warm-ups. Track events will begin at 08:45 am. The normal order of competition will be Gremlin Girls, Gremlin Boys, Bantam Girls, Bantam Boys, Midget Girls, etc., through to Intermediate Boys. 
Scholastic Awards
In an effort to emphasize the importance of maintaining scholastic ability in conjunction with athletic ability, The Santa Clarita Track Club in cooperation with local school districts, awards a Scholastic Achievement plaque to all athletes that maintain a "B+" (3.3) grade point average or better during the season.  The plaque is engraved with the students name, year and symbol of the sport in which he/she is participating.  A special President's Award is presented to athletes that maintain straight "A's" (4.0)
Click here to download the scholastic form for your child. 
Currently this program is only for athletes of local school districts. 
Lost and Found! 

Please remember to LABEL ALL clothing and water bottles.

Already we have several new sweat shirts and sweat pants in our lost and found donation collection. If your child is missing some clothing that they brought to practice and didn't bring home, check on the fence near the entrance to the track. Note items will only be held 1 week.

Photo Team

If you have a digital video camera we would like you to take the kids running, especially the kids at the track. Please get a cd to Alan Bingham at the end of practice.

Track Usage
Remember that the track is off limits to non-athletes during practice.  All lanes of the track are being used for our athletes.  If parents would like to walk, please use the walkway on the outside of the short fence around the track.  It is also a good workout to walk the side walk around the entire block, which is out Smyth to Copper hill, to Decora to Dickason and back to Smyth. Also if they would like to go for a longer run, you are more than welcome to join the distance group out on their runs.
We need escorts of all ablilties to assist.
Uniforms are in!
Our uniforms have arrived and will be available at practice for pick up all week long.
Have a great week!

Alan Bingham
Santa Clarita Track Club
Santa Clarita Track Club | 27900 Youngberry Dr | Santa Clarita | CA | 91350