Santa Clarita Track Club
Newsletter for March 9, 2009
In this Issue
This Weeks Practices
Stormwear Merchandise
Jelly Beans
Paperwork & Signatures
Photographers Needed
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What a first week! Our club is full, and that sign in line out to the parking lot on Monday was a bit too much, we changed that process to having the coaches take roll call, this should help allow the kids get in to do their warm up and eliminate the line out to Carls Jr.
A bit of rain on Wednesday, practice was canceled, but then some of the kids were still able to practice, so some of the coaches stayed and they worked out, ends up that the rain had ended and the rest of practice was just fine.  
I am not sure if you all were able to get out to the track a bit earlier on Thursday evening to see the high school track meet. This might have been the first time some of you had a chance to see what a track meet is like. I say it's like a three ring circus or organized chaos with field events going on at the same time running events are going on, the athletes are moving about the field going from event to event, and the high school meet was a good opportunity for first time athletes and families to see a meet in progress. It is much like the Olympics that you see in the summer games. We'll have 2 more meets during the season and we'll have to deal with it those times, we'll start our practice at 6:30 on those days and go until 8:00pm.
Please be sure to have have a snack when you get home from school, do not come to practice with your gas tank empty. Drink at least 1 or 2 glasses of water, and have a banana or a energy bar. You are going to be burning some fuel so keep make sure you don't run out of gas.
This week will be a short week, we won't have practice on Thursday evening due to another event going on at the high school.
This weeks Practices 
Practices are held Monday, Wednesday, at Valencia High School on the track starting at 6:00 pm Pick up will be around 7:45 this week.
There will be no Thursday practice this week due to another event going on at Valencia high school.
Saturday's practice will be 10:00 am - 12:00 noon, on the Track at Valencia HS.
Stormwear Merchandise
If you are interested in purchasing any merchandise please download the order form by clicking here, and return the form ASAP to Bettie Jo at the information table, the deadline for ordering is Wednesday March 11.
Jelly Beans & Jolly Ranchers
Parents we ask that you bring 2 bags of jelly beans or Jolly Ranchers starting this evening. We are also looking for some help in this area. If you can assist with jelly bean distribution, please see Michele.
Attention Parents
We are still missing a lot of birth certificates and athlete's signatures on the registration paperwork. Please check the poster hanging on the fence. If your athlete's name is highlighted please go to the information table. We must have all paperwork complete along with a copy of the athlete's birth certificate to certified the athletes. If we do not have the above information we will have to drop the athlete from our program.
If you have a digital camera we need you to take pictures of the kids working out. If you could burn those to a CD and turn them in, we would like to make some short video slide shows of the kids working out.  Please see Michele or Alan at the information table if you can help.

Alan Bingham
Santa Clarita Track Club