Santa Clarita Track Club
Scholastic Forms and Pictures Next Week
  April 26, 2010
Dear Alan,  
Scholastic Forms
We've extended the deadline to turn in scholastic forms to Wednesday April 28th. You can download another form by clicking here if you need one.
Track Pictures
Pictures will be taken on Monday and Wednesday.  Please have your athlete dressed in their Full Uniform on their designated picture day.
Monday, April 26, 2010 5:45 pm - Intermediate, Youth, and Midget Athletes, Coaches/Board Members Group Photo  
Wednesday, April 28, 2010 5:45 pm - Gremlin & Bantam Athletes
There will be one picture make-up day (TBA) for individual photos only.  Please see Michele or Bettie Jo if your athlete can not make their assigned picture day.
Bettie Jo